Harry Hill


COMEDIAN Harry Hill did more than raise a few laughs when he appeared at Wallingford Town Hall. Local residents could be forgiven for believing he had also raised the roof when they spotted smoke and flames billowing out of the Grade 1 listed building in Market Place. However, BBC officials have revealed that special effects and smoke machines were responsible for the blaze as Wallingford became the fictional quintessential English village of Great Pagwell for two days.

The filming was part of a new one hour long comedy for children called Professor Branestawm, based on the books of author Norman Hunter and adapted for television by the author and actor, Charlie Higson.

The film features two of the UK’s leading comedians Ben Miller and David Mitchell alongside Harry Hill who plays the title role and who will be making his acting debut for BBC One. 

TV stardom is nothing new to Wallingford which for many years played the role of the fictional town, Causton in Midsomer Murders.


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